Meet Flock, A Fun and Casual Way to Make Plans

Adam Waxman
3 min readJul 10, 2013

Last summer, a buddy and I met at Starbucks to discuss some ideas we wanted to implement. All of our ideas shared a common theme: they were problems we were facing. We decided to focus on one.

The Problem: Getting Friends Together

As recent graduates, we missed the convenient social environment that exists in college.

Wanna grab food? Wanna grab drinks? No problem, just stick your head out of your dorm room and a bunch of friends are at your fingertips. Life is good.

In the real world, it’s not as easy. New obstacles like traffic, work, and distance make it harder to connect. We wanted to fix that.

The Vision: Follow Friends’ Upcoming Activities

We asked, “How many times do you do something (go to a specific restaurant, go to the mall, go for a run, etc.) and later find out that friends would have loved to join?”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to [name your favorite breakfast spot] this morning?? I love that place!” is an all too common refrain.

The answer is that there are no good ways to communicate this information. Unlike college, friends are spread out in the real world. Yelling down the hall doesn’t work.

While we have many new incredible ways to communicate (i.e. email, text messages, Facebook, and Twitter), none of these new tools make it easy to share upcoming activities with friends.

How can we easily share daily activities with friends so that we never miss out on a fun shared experience again?

With that in mind, we wanted to build something that was more event focused than Facebook and Twitter, more casual than email, and more efficient than manually going through your contacts and sending a text to all your friends.

Explore an activity feed of your friends’ upcoming activities

The Solution: Casual, Fun, and Efficient Planning

Today we are excited to announce our solution: Flock: Do More With Friends,which is currently live in the App Store.

Flock allows friends to create and share events in a few simple taps:

  1. Choose an activity
  2. Select a location
  3. Pick a time
  4. Connect with friends

We built the app to mimick the casual, fun and efficient social environment we enjoyed in college.

Casual: Don’t have a specific location or time in mind? No problem. Our event creation process allows you to choose general times and locations. Once you figure out an ideal time and location (through a built in group chat feature), you can then update the plan with a specific time and place.

Existing Apps→ “Who wants to go out at Brother Jimmy’s Bar and Grill at 8:00pm on Saturday June 29th?”

Flock→ “Who wants to go out in the East Village this weekend?”

Fun: There is nothing fun about receiving a gmail event invitation or sifting through all your contacts to create a group text message. Through activity feeds, likes, invites, (and a really cute logo) we hope to make sharing plans something enjoyable.

Efficient: Typing on an iPhone sucks. That’s why we created ‘quick picks’ to help you create events in just a couple taps.

Easily select a location with our neighborhood ‘quick picks’

Start flocking today and follow us on twitter for future updates!

